Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another Canadian Election!

Vote on January 23rd!

Thankfully this election has been abbreviated due to Christmas. I was glad that most of the politicians did not bother people over the Christmas vacation period. Of course this was probably more about not being able to get people's attention then it was about being sensitive!

In the last few weeks things have been getting dirty. I especially liked the "army in the streets" ad that the Liberals had produced and decided it was too controversial to run but it "accidentally" got released. Name calling, shouting, taking the leaders' words and twisting them, it's all there. So much for the genteel inoffensive Canadian way. There's no need for it people.

I also think the parties should be stopped from making spending promises. I mean you can promise money for every cause and special interest group under the sun during a campaign. But the story changes drastically when the elected party "opens the books" and discovers "Oh things are much worse than we thought, so unfortunately we can't live up to all those promises we made." Stop it! People want to hear where you stand on issues not how you will spend money you don't have and that doesn't belong to you. It belongs to us, the tax payers.

My favorite item for this election is CBC's VLT Voting Machine.
To cast your vote click here.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Welcome 2006

Here it is, a new year. Another opportunity to make a clean start and make the year count for something. It's not that 2005 was a terrible year but I'm left feeling that I should have accomplished more. I don't know that I accomplished much personally.

I did stuff, was involved in worthy enterprises, helped people when I could, travelled some and there were no major personal disasters in my life. But still I find the year wanting. Perhaps there are some things I should have been doing that I didn't do.

2006 does hold promise for change. My daughter graduates with her Business degree this year. My company will either expand and really take off or it will not live up to my expectations and I may be looking for a new opportunity. A good friend is trying to make some changes in her life. She's had a terribly difficult 2005 with job and health challenges. I hope to be positive part of that change. Also I'm thinking of travelling to Cuba with some friends. Perhaps some things will b e revealed to me.

I would like to be able to look back and say 2006 was a better year, one in which I was able to make a positive difference in my own life as well as those around me. I don't want another year where things are left undone.

To KC - I wish you every happiness this year. May your road become easier, may you laugh again and may your heart's wish be fulfilled. I pray your eyes will be opened and you will know love again.

A Poem for the New Year by Helen Steiner Rice

God grant us this year a wider view, So we see others' faults through the eyes of You; Teach us to judge not with hasty tongue, Neither the adult ... nor the young.

Give us patience and grace to endure And a stronger faith so we feel secure; And instead of remembering, help us forget The irritations that caused us to fret.

Freely forgiving for some offense And finding each day a rich recompense, In offering a friendly, helping hand And trying in all ways to understand, That all of us whoever we are ... Are trying to reach "an unreachable star."

For the great and small ... the good and bad, The young and old ... the sad and glad, Are asking today, "Is life worth living?" And the answer is only in "loving" and "giving."

For only "Love" can make us kind And Kindness of Heart brings Peace of Mind, And by giving love we can start this year To lift the clouds of hate and fear.