The climate is ideal, there's a wonderful blend of climates with everything from snow in the mountains to lush greenery to rolling sand dunes nestled up to the Pacific Ocean that stretch for miles. I especially enjoy driving the Pacific Coast Highway when there's lots of time and I just want to roam.
It's unfortunate that all these great things are marred by horrendous traffic, smog, electrical shortages, fresh water supply problems and just lots and lots of people. Locusts have landed in the land of milk and honey.
I like Californians by and large. I find them optimistic and forward looking. They generally don't like whatever government is in power. They gave Arnold a chance but it's commonly held that he won't get another. They're an eclectic lot coming from far and wide including my home of Canada. It's really the eptimomy of the "melting pot of humanity".
You Know You're In California When...
You can also take the California Driver's License Test. Yep, they're a strange bunch.