Monday, November 27, 2006

Disney Bound

Last week was an interesting one. My daughter found out that she is going to work at Disney Resorts in Florida at Epcot in the Canadian pavilion. She'll be part of Disney's international student program where they actually recruit students from the countries represented at the various pavilions in Epcot.

So from April 07 to April 08 she'll be living and working there. She has always been Disney crazy and decided early on that she wanted to work there. I admire that fact that she went after a dream and made it happen. Way to go girl!

I guess we can all learn something from that. Sometimes we settle rather than pursuing the thing we want the most out of life. It's difficult to seperate what we want from what our family, friends or spouse wants. But if you don't do this you may never achieve what you were meant to. Over time we will forget what we really wanted out of life and as time goes on we realize that something is missing but don't know what.

We were out on this earth for a purpose and we are built with specific talents and abilities all designed for a particular purpose. Have you found out what that is yet? If you'd like to read more about this subject, check out Rick Warren's book, "The Purpose-Driven Life".

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