Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mixed Bag

Another week has come and gone. I attended the funeral of my wife's uncle on Friday. Uncle Mac dropped dead of a heart attack at his cottage at Davidson Lake, a place he dearly loved. He was fondly remembered by his granddaughters and the many people who knew him. As a Christian he was very certain of his destination when he died and had no fear of it. He will be missed by those whose lives he touched over the past 84 years.

On Saturday I did some geocaching with a friend. If you've never tried this you might be missing a new passion. It's like a modern day treasure hunt where you use a GPS unit to find a container that someone has hidden. You can find out more about this at You don't always find what you're looking for but you always end up winning because you discover new trails or places you didn't know existed.

Today we attended a concert at the museum. It was kind of cool. The group is made up of local medical professionals, doctors, nurses and medical technicians. They are called "Cool Chicks & the Ugly Doclings". They are quite talented with both vocals and instruments delivering up an interesting mix of old and new folk music including some of their own material. Today's fund raiser had a Father's Day theme. One particularly touching number was written by Dr John Acker for his baby daughter. He came up with the words as he was delivering her 3am feeding as an infant. When the group had finished the number his little girl, now 30 years old, came up from the audience and gave her dad a big hug and kiss...not a dry eye in the house.

And that's the kind of week it's been.

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