Thursday, May 18, 2006

University Graduation

I just attended what I believe to be my first university graduation ceremony. I didn't bother going to my own way back when because I had just landed my 1st full time job and didn't feel that I could afford the time off. I've always wondered whether I missed something special or maybe it just would have been boring.

Yesterday was my daughter's graduation. She is now the proud holder of a Business degree with Honors majoring in Marketing from the University of New Brunswick (UNB). Happy Day! It was a good day.

Despite sitting through the handing out of hundreds of diplomas I'm glad I went. Obviously I wanted to support my daughter. Also, being an alumni of said school, I was curious to see how things had changed.

Although the school has grown and now has campuses and affiliations in such far flung places like Africa and the Far East, it's nature remains the same. It's a comfortable, linked community where students and professors interact well (to a large extent) and located in a somewhat quiet, very scenic part of the world. It provides an island for those looking for safety and time to find themselves and their place in life.

I know my daughter has made life long friendships which will do her in good stead and she's ready to enter the "world". She's developed the tools she needs to learn, lead and live over these past 4 years. It's been good for her, good for her friends and peers.

Go forth and prosper!!

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