Monday, August 15, 2005

Backstreet's Back

When my daughter called me at work several weeks ago and asked if we could be in Portland Maine on August 10, I didn't realize what I was getting into. I had promised her a bit of a trip before she heads back to university in September but I hadn't planned on this.

As a huge Backstreet Boy's fan, she follows their every move. She discovered that their current concert schedule would bring them reasonably close to where we live in Easrern Canada and decided to make a play to get there. Well if any of you have daughters you know it's pretty tough to say no. So reluctantly I agreed.

It was as I imagined it. An arena full of girls, all ages and sizes, from grannies to grade schoolers, Backstreet groupies one and all except for one relunctant dad in the 21st row. It's apparent that the time this group of guys took off had not dimed the adulation of this crowd. Surprising there were some empty seats but the audience or the group didn't seem to notice.

I have to admit the Backstreet Boys did put on a good concert. Their voices were good, timing exact and dance routines well practiced. The crowd ate it up. My ears are still ringing from the high pitched screaming that only a 14 year old girl can create.

My daughter thoroughly enjoyed the show and the pictures we took will be cherished for years to come. I enjoyed her enjoyment and appreciated the quality of the performance even though it's not my favourite music. It provided us lots of memories that we will always share and confirmed to my daughter that what's important to her is important to her dad. Hopefully neither of us will ever forget that.

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